
The Future of Public Global Methane Emission Transparency

MethaneSAT will be the most advanced methane tracker in space. Launching in 2023, it will measure emissions with greater precision than any other satellite – delivering data on emissions that others can’t track. And MethaneSAT data will be public, for anyone to see and compare.

The goal: To catalyze faster action by countries and companies to reduce their methane emissions.

Next Level Precision

Next Level Precision

Some satellites can track methane globally, but can’t detect smaller sources responsible for much of the total. Others provide excellent data from known sites, but leave out sources beyond a small viewing area.

MethaneSAT provides a wide field of view that can find and measure even the smallest amounts of methane with exceptional precision – detecting concentrations as small as 3 parts per billion.

Groundbreaking analytics mean rapid turnaround, providing valuable emissions data in an actionable time frame.

How Much How Fast?

How Much, How Fast?

Unlike other satellites, MethaneSAT will give users emission rates, revealing how much methane is escaping where, and how fast, across wide areas as well as individual source locations – providing crucial insight for prioritizing solutions to achieve the biggest reductions faster.

MethaneSAT will cover the globe every few days, pinpointing larger emissions sources to within 400 meters. And it will deliver the first real accounting of total emissions across sources large and small.

How Much How Fast?

How Much, How Fast?

Unlike other satellites, MethaneSAT will give users emission rates, revealing how much methane is escaping where, and how fast, across wide areas as well as individual source locations – providing crucial insight for prioritizing solutions to achieve the biggest reductions faster.

MethaneSAT will cover the globe every few days, pinpointing larger emissions sources to within 400 meters. And it will deliver the first real accounting of total emissions across sources large and small.

Catalyst for Action

Catalyst for Action

MethaneSAT will bring a new level of visibility and transparency to methane emissions around the world. Officials and operators will be able to find and fix problems faster, while stakeholders can see and compare progress against goals, commitments, and legal obligations.

Public data means anyone – regulators, investors, buyers, and the public – will now be able to see where emissions occur, the rate at which they are occurring, and how they’re changing over time.

A Crucial Opportunity

A Crucial Opportunity

Analysis by the International Energy Agency suggests that the industry could cut its methane emissions 70% using technologies available today.

As demand for methane emissions data grows, an ecosystem of methane-detecting satellites, each with distinct capabilities and purpose, will give companies, regulators, investors, and the public a new level of insight, transparency, and accountability for tackling this climate challenge.

Learn More About Methane Here
MethaneSAT satellite.

More About MethaneSAT

More About MethaneSAT

MethaneSAT, LLC is a not-for-profit subsidiary of Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), a leading international nonprofit organization. EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private sector partnerships to create transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems.

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